Tuesday, March 31, 2009

March Madness: Day 31

I did it, I did it, I really really did it! Even though most of my posts were a bit drab and not very interesting reads, I still managed to post something everyday of March. Whew. It was WAY more work then I thought it would be. Way more time consuming. And with time being a hot commodity in my life right now, I can guarantee I won't commit my self to doing this again. At least for a while anyways. I will update my blog every once & a while though. So don't fret, all *coughninecough* of you. I will be back.

Monday, March 30, 2009

March Madness: Day 30

So close. Oh so close. I am now just ONE day away from actually completing this stupid idea I had of posting something everyday of March. Not sure I will ever do this again. I do like the idea of making a goal for a month, and seeing if I can follow through though. For April I have decided to drink mostly water. So I am going to give up all but one cup of my morning coffee. The rest of the day means water. This is going to be hard for me. I don't have many vices in life. Heck, I can't afford many vices. But my iced tea when I get home? Its become an addiction. Not sure how I'll do... But I'm going to try! I feel like I am gaining to much weight and alot of it is coming from the extra empty calories of my (sweetened) iced tea or various sodas I will occasionally buy from the vending machine at work. At $1.35 a pop, I don't buy them often, but only when I need something sweet to drink. So wish me luck!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

March Madness: Day 29

We had a great time on our date last night. It was so nice to be able to get away from the girls, and just have grown up time. That's all I really have time for today, because my laundry pile seems to be reproducing laundry spawn and I need to tackle it before it gets too much more out of control. Adios!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

March Madness: Day 28

It's date night day! I am so excited to be able to go out on a date with my hub tonight. Its been so long since we have had the opportunity to go out, ALONE. We are heading up to Bridgeport Village to PF Changs, then we are hoping to make it to a movie at the Bridgeport Theatre. Not sure which flick we'll end up seeing, but it really doesn't matter. I am just so excited to be going out with Trav.

Maddy is on day 2 of the See Ya Later Basketball camp today. She had lots of fun yesterday, learning a lot of new things. Something about Beef, among other things. The whole beef thing made Trav almost cry too. Because it wasn't him who taught her that. I guess its like THE beginning fundamental skill in basketball. Goes to show that I pretty much know NOTHING about the sport. Lets see if I can remember what the acronym Beef stands for. BALL? ELBOW? EYE LEVEL? FOLLOW THROUGH? Am I right? Anyways. I'll probably just stick with being ignorant about the whole basketball term thing. Suits me much better then actually pretending to care. (About basketball that is, not my daughter participating! Because I totally care about that!)

Friday, March 27, 2009

March Madness: Day 27

Yup, like I said, I am going to post Disneyland pictures again. My happy place. If I could move down there just so I could go once or so a month, I totally would. Anyways.. Here ya go!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

March Madness: Day 26

Nothin to say today. Birthdays are over for the month of March, the parties went well. I am on antibiotics for a stupid sinus infection that has completely kicked my butt these last 2 1/2 weeks. And I am just to tired to think of something to say. So I am going to post a couple pictures from one year ago today from our wonderful trip to Disneyland, Universal Studios and Sea World, and dream about going back....

And honestly, I will probably do the same tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

March Madness: Day 25

I have a seven year old today. SEVEN. That's practically a teenager. Okay, not really, but it sure feels like it. I don't feel old enough to have a daughter who is 7. I can remember being seven. So how is it that Maddy is there?

Madalynn Grace, you my darling oldest daughter are such a sweet, kind, tender hearted person. A girl who loves to sing and dance. To play. To read. You are an exceptional reader. One of the best in your class. Reading chapter books at 6 is pretty cool you know. You are a goofy, happy kid and you love your sisters. Even though you might not get along with Alex all the time, I can tell you really do love her. Oh and your sisters, they LOVE you too. The look up to you, and you give them a great example of how to act. Thank you for that. You are a beam of light in this world. A girl with a wonderful attitude and bubbly personality. As you get older and you learn new things, always, always remember that I am here for you. You can talk to me about anything. Happy birthday my sweet girl. I love you, Mommy.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

March Madness: Day 24

8 years ago today, I married my best friend. It was a pretty great day. We were 20, silly, immature, and pretty much still kids. Now we're 28, silly, immature, and pretty much still kids. Guess time changes some, but not us. At least not yet. We have made 3 great kids. More then our fair share of bad decisions. A home. Yet I still feel like a kid. Trav & I were talking about this just the other day too, how we feel like we are still "playing" at being grown ups. Does anyone else feel like that? It was funny, we saw Kirk Cameron (the guy from Growing Pains) on TV, and we were talking about him, and Trav said, "how old do you think he is now? He's gotta be pushing 30." I was like, "DUDE! WE ARE pushing 30! He's gotta be closer to 40." It really hit us then that we are not "kids" any longer. We have major responsibilities. Jobs, a mortgage, car payments, daycare expenses, every type of insurance known to man kind, THREE CHILDREN. Sigh. But we have 8 very strong years of marriage under our belts. Some were easier years, some were harder years. But they have all been HAPPY years. And I think that counts for a lot.

In talking to my hub we decided that we aren't going to think about what life will be like 8 years from now. Too scary. We will have a 15 year old (dra)Maddy, a 13 year old Alex (yikes!), and a 9 year old Peyton. Like I said, scary. But we are going to think about how to raise our girls to love each other, us, their friends, the Lord. And we are going to anticipate what these next 8 years will bring. How much fun they will be. What challenges might present themselves. What Blessings we will receive. I am a big fan of anticipation. Sometimes its the best part of life. Don't you think?

So here's to us Trav! I love you, and I so happy that 8 years ago I said, "I do."

Monday, March 23, 2009

March Madness: Day 23

I have some really messed up family members. (I'm talking my kids & hub here..:-) Not ONE of them likes Avocados. Seriously. What is wrong with them? Avocados are so so so yummy. I could probably eat one everyday and be so very happy. They have this wonderful taste & texture, and taco night with out avocados is like..., cheese with out wine. I thought I was being super nice by sharing my avocados with Peyton at dinner tonight, I spooned some up, and put them in her mouth. She looks at me with wide open eyes and a very disgusted look on her face, then spits them out into her hand, which then proceeds to throw them at my WALL. Yes, people, mushed green avocado + wall = big mess. That's just not cool kid. Not cool. See if I share my prized food with you again. Nuh uh.

On a happier note. I bought my self a little treat. The Twilight movie. We are not normally movie purchasers. Well, movies for Trav & I that is. We buy Disney movies like they will never be "released from the vault" again until 2079. So that made me happy. I feel like such a teenager about it too. I really enjoyed the books. Reading ALL of them on our week long 2008 Sunriver vacation this past August. And I may have re-read them since. So what? I re-read books. Often. More bang for your buck I say. I love to read, does anyone have any good book suggestions? Seriously. Comment if you have some!

On a MUCH happier note. Tomorrow is our 8th wedding anniversary. Holy crap! Definitely will be posting about THAT tomorrow.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

March Madness: Day 22

I have been playing with my photoshop again. Here's one of my recent edits. What do you think?

Like this Kristen?

Saturday, March 21, 2009

March Madness: Day 21

Here they are folks. The pics from last nights party at Scotty's Playhouse! The pic with all the kids, doesn't even show them all either. I think we had a few party crashers too. Of course I don't know that for sure, but no one recognized them, they spoke very little English, and they refused to get into the picture. Didn't stop em from eating cake, drinking a TON of drinks and eating an entire pizza them selves though! I really don't care, I just think its funny. All in all it was a very fun party. LOUD, but fun. My girls are already planning ahead for next year. :-)

Sweet Alex, having a great time!

Pink Cheeked Maddy, playin it up.

Baby Peyton, she was loving her independence!

Maddy and her BFF Peyton.


Alex & her girls, Sophie & Lucy.

Almost the whole crew (minus the parents)

Its cake time! It was like a stampede of children too. Cake + Kids = Chaos.

My sweet, chubby cheeked, perfect niece Olivia. I love that baby.

Friday, March 20, 2009

March Madness: Day 20

Whew, WHAT A PARTY! My big girls' party today at Scotty's Playhouse was a HUGE success. I didn't count them all, but I swear we had over 50 people there. Not kidding. And because my girls are amazing and kind, they decided to ask their friends to bring food for the Church on the Hills food pantry instead of gifts, and wowzers, what a turnout! I think we probably raked in $300-$400 worth of food for it. I mean, bags & boxes FULL of food. And a few checks. I am humbled by the kindness my daughters friends showed. Pictures and more stories to follow tomorrow, because for now, I'm bushed. Nighty night.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

March Madness: Day 19

And she kicks.... And SCORES!!!! Wooo HOOO! Maddy made another goal for her team today. She pretty much had a ho hum attitude the first half of the game, but the 2nd half she decided that enough was enough and managed to kick it in. I am so proud of her. She is becoming quite the little soccer player. Which is pretty cool if you ask me. I am so very glad she has something tangible to be proud of her self with. I mean, she is a very good student, but to a 1st grader, +'s and check +'s don't mean much. They do to me, but not to her.

Here are some pics from today's game against the "Purple Shooting Stars"!

And on a funny note, we went out to pizza with my Mom, sister Elizabeth and bro in law Charlie after the game. We were sitting there waiting for our pizza, and Trav was holding Peyton in his lap. All of a sudden Trav says:
"Dude, I think Peyton just peed on me."
What? Hello, the baby wears DIAPERS.
Me: "Seriously Trav, she's in a diaper."
Trav: "Not kidding, my lap is all wet. Warm wet, like Peyton just peed on me."
Me: "Well, you keep her then cuz I don't want a stinky pee pee girl."

When we got up, sure enough Trav had a major wet spot right on his lap. Made him look like he was the one who wet his pants. Too funny.

Tomorrow, is the big girls Birthday Party at Scotty's Playhouse! Should be a very fun time. Post to follow!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

March Madness: Day 18

Sick. Still sick. Nose raw. Hacking cough. Pounding headache. So tired. Oh so tired of being dragged down by a stupid head cold. Still no energy. Done.

I have so much to do right now. And being sick is just getting in the way. My big girls' combined friend party is Friday night at Scotty's Playhouse, and I have a bunch to do to get ready for it, but I have no energy to. My boss was nice enough to say yes to me leaving at 2:00 on Friday, so hopefully I can get everything accomplished by 6:00 that night. We'll see I guess.

Sorry for all my shitty posts lately too. And sorry if the word shitty just offended you. But that's the way I feel, so there. I am hoping tomorrow I will be feeling lots better to give you something a little more, lets say, entertaining then this crap. So much for my grand plan of 31 fun posts. Oh well, at least I have maintained posting everyday this far. :-)

And isn't it so sad about Natasha Richardson? How horrible for her family. Makes me grateful I only have a stupid head cold. Also makes me never want to go skiing again. Seeing as I am about as graceful as, well, a clumsy person. Oh wait, I am a clumsy person. So never mind.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

March Madness: Day 17

Happy St Patricks Day! Even though I can't exactly go out bar hoppin, I still enjoy this holiday. I get to wear my favorite t-shirt that says "Kiss Me I'm Irish" and even thought I don't have any, who doesn't like green beer? Honestly though, St Patricks day is a day of celebration. A day intended for "Spiritual renewal and offering Prayers to Missionaries worldwide." Which I think is pretty cool. Seeing as St Patrick was the patron Saint and national apostle of Ireland and it's said that he is the one who brought Christianity to Ireland, its fitting to have a day to celebrate him. I could go on, but as I am not a history teacher, I don't want to give false facts. :-) No go on! Celebrate! Sláinte!

Monday, March 16, 2009

March Madness: Day 16

What to say tonight... I am still very tired & not feeling the greatest. My energy is low, and my ideas have fled. Hmmm. Hows abouts I just give you a few pics to look at? I am just going to pick a few for your viewing pleasure...

My big girl Maddy. Can NOT believe she will be SEVEN next week. Sigh.

One of my favorite pictures of Alex. She just shines in this shot.

Another fave. Peyton, Peyton, Peyton. Who gave you permission to be so darn cute?

I think this may be my all time favorite picture of all 3 of my girls together. I just wish I would have had my nice camera when I took this!

There ya have it. Hopefully tomorrow I will have more energy.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

March Madness: Day 15

One year ago today... We were having a Tea Party! For my girls' 4th & 6th birthdays. We were gearing up to head to Disneyland for spring break, and it was a fun time in the Johnson household. Much more fun then the colds, ear infections, fevers we have been, and still are dealing with this March of 2009. Ick.

Off to get some rest... Until tomorrow.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

March Madness: Day 14

Sip! Day 2. I am going be working at Sip! again today. From 11:00 to 6:00. Then, that's it. Done. Finito. Parent hours complete. Last night was actually pretty fun. I saw LOTS of people I knew. Almost half the people who walked through those doors, I knew some way or another. It was also very humbling. I didn't know this before hand, but I was the CASHIER. Scary. I mean, I know how to do basic addition and subtraction, but put me in a position where I have to do it quickly, and I falter. I sat there the first time someone gave me a Benji (that's a $100 bill for those who don't know) and they said they were paying for 3 people to get in (@ $15 each) with 3 wine glasses (those were 2 for $5 or $3 each). Uh. Crap. Transporting my self back to the 2nd grade here....

This is all in my head - Ok, so that's $45 for the tickets + $8 for the wine glasses = $53. He gave me a $100 bill - $53 = $47? Right? Right. (It was a close one but I managed WITH OUT my fingers. Whew. That would have been embarrassing.)

Now, I am not a stupid person by any means, but I think if you were to really know me, you would know that quick math has never been my strong suit. So needless to say, I really really hope I get Trav's job today. Handing out the wine glasses. No simple math required. And my pride, she stays firmly in place.

Friday, March 13, 2009

March Madness: Day 13

Friday the 13th. You know, I have never really understood why that day is supposed to be so creepy. Do you know? The only thing I know right now is that I have to work until 5:00, then pick up the hub & the kids, drop the kids off at my parents house, then head to work from 6:00 to 10:00 at Sip, McMinnville's Wine & Food Classic. We are volunteering because it is a fundraiser for St James School. Alex's pre-school. It's going to be a very long day, and tomorrow as well because we are there again from 11:00 to 3:00. But we will be getting all of our required 20 parent hours in this weekend, so it's worth it. Come out! We are in admitting, so you might just see us there!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

March Madness: Day 12

The one where the neighbor almost gets punched. By yours truly.

Um, yeah. So I just totally wanted to rip my neighbors tonsils out of his throat. Seriously. *i just learned that it wasn't my actual neighbor, it was his brother, but still* He just YELLED at my kid. Not cool. Only I can yell at my kids. Ok, Trav can too I guess. But that's IT. You just don't do it. Unless they (my kids) are physically hurting someone, it just crosses the line. And that dude just crossed it.

Here's the scoop. We were just pulling into our driveway. The neighbor kids were out side playing/riding bikes. It's sunny and I needed to make dinner so I told the big girls it would be ok if they went out to ride their bikes. Trav was going to be in the garage with the door open, so they were going to be semi-supervised, and all was fine. I started dinner, put Pey in her high chair with a drink, and stepped out to get the mail. I was closing the lid, on my mail box when I hear Alex, go up to the little boy, and ask him if he wanted to ride her new bike and she could ride his bike. The man, was standing in the yard with one of their 3 HUGE dogs, (that coincidentally ALWAYS poops in my yard, and they NEVER clean it up. Totally rude, but I digress), hears this and yells at Alex, "HELL NO YOU CAN'T RIDE HIS BIKE, NOW GET". Excuse me? What the F*&# did you just say to her? Oh no you di'int. (No I didn't actually say any of those things, mind you, I am still on my deck partially hidden behind a tall bush and my deck posts so he can't see me standing there but oh I wanted to. Oh and who uses the term "now get" now days anyways. Where ya from? 1883?) So, I step forward, down the steps off onto my pathway that leads to my front porch & front door and say "hey Alex, why don't you come over here for a minute" So she rides over and I tell her to go have Daddy fix something on her new bike, and I tell the dude. "That was completely uncalled for." And that's it. I am such a chicken. I will tell you, if he had done anything else besides raise his voice at her, I would have charged over and you couldn't have stopped me from, er, ripping his tonsils from his throat. I can also tell you, my girls will not be playing out side with out one of us actually standing or sitting there again either. Paranoid? Maybe. Better safe the sorry? You can bet you life.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

March Madness: Day 11

March Madness. This is so the story of my life right now. Yeah, did you read yesterday's post? Not yet? I think you should just to grasp what I am talking about. Now, I bet you are wondering why I am posting in the morning. In the morning when I should be running around taking kids to their respective places, Diane's, school & school. Well, I'm not doing those things. Nope, I am sitting at my desk at home with 2 very sick kiddo's. Peyton had a fever of 104 last night. Alex's, wasn't that high, but topped 102. But still, not fun. I am sitting at my desk with one very fussy Peyton in my lap. It's not very easy typing with one hand doncha know. Trav said we will split the day. He goes in the am, I go in the pm. Right. We'll see if that actually happens. For the meantime, I am going to go sit on the couch & cuddle my two little sickies.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

March Madness: Day 10

Ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew! Or maybe the clown song would be better, dn dn dn-n n n na dn dn dn na. Because that is what I am feeling at this exact moment. Two of my girls are now sick. Peyton has a double ear infection and gunk in the lungs, and Alex is just now getting a fever. That's not so much the ew. The ew came into play, just a minute ago, when I was letting Peyton play in the bathtub during her bath time. Normally, we are just a quick get em in, scrub em up, make em get out kinda bath people. But tonight I thought I would be nice to Peyton and let her play for a bit since she feels terrible and she LOVES the bath. Hmmm, wrong decision on my part. So, she was playing, and I was sitting there next to her talking to Trav who was in the other room on the computer, when I hear this rather unpleasant noise. I look down and Peyton totally took a major poo in the tub. I'm talking MAJOR, like blow your shorts out kinda poo. So I pick her up really quick before any of it touches her and I set her down in the middle of the bathroom. She decides to take off. And she slips and falls on the bathroom floor. Nice, add screaming toddler to the mix. Pick her up, take her to MY shower, turn on the faucet, put her in, walk away to get the baby wash. She screams even louder, DIVES OUT OF THE BATHTUB, hits her head on the ground, SCREAMS EVEN LOUDER. I yell for Maddy to "bring me the stinkin baby wash"! Put her back into the bath tub, scrub her up really quickly, get her out, realize her towel is in the other bathroom, put her down on the bath mat to go get it, she starts to cry again and takes off, SLIPS AGAIN, on the bathroom floor, starts screaming AGAIN,I pick her up, and, ahh, all is fine. Whew.

Oh, and Trav got to clean the tub. :-)

Monday, March 9, 2009

March Madness: Day 9

Bliss. I am home early today. Well, earlier today that is. Which I why I am posting at 4:38 in the afternoon. Poor Peyton stayed home sick with Daddy today, which is the reason I got to actually come home when I got off work rather then wait for Trav to get off work at 5:00. We carpool for those of you who don't already know. Saves us a bit of money each month driving the one car, not to mention, we are trying to do our part for the sake of the environment. It's not much, but hey, its a start!

Poor Peyton, aka The Snot Machine, though. She is just a mess. High fever, runny nose, terrible cough. I have NEVER seen her this sick. Ever. She has been sick a total of 2 times in her life. Once with a minor stomach bug, and once with a minor cold. That's it. She has been my super healthy baby. Its been really nice. I like to think it was because I nursed her for an entire year, but who really knows. So, if you could, just say a quick prayer that she feels better soon? That would be great!

Well, I am off here. Need to go cuddle with my baby while she still lets me.. Bye!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

March Madness: Day 8

Today is Alexandria Jean's 5th birthday! She is, according to her, one whole hand old. Sweet. I feel a teensy bit bad for her too, because today is spring forward, so she lost an hour of her special day. Man, spring forward always kicks my butt, and today is no exception. Does it affect you guys like that? I digress. Alex, had a fantastic day otherwise, and was completely spoiled. We had a fam party at my in-laws, where she got a lot of great stuff. Everything she asked for really. It's pretty great having family around and being a close family at that pretty much rocks. Thanks for coming guys!
Alex with her Tinkerbell cake.

Maddy & Alex together. They really do love each other!

Alex opening her "pink mermaid" from Auntie Elizabeth & Uncle Charlie. She has been wanting one since Christmas!

And my favorite! This is when she saw her brand new BIG GIRL bike from Grandma & Grandpa Murphy. Seriously stoked is all I can say.

She also got 3 new Wii games! One from Maddy, one from Uncle Jakey, & her fave, Mario Cart from Grandma & Grandpa J. A big pink stuffed Unicorn from Auntie Charity & Uncle Mike, Beverly Hills Chihuahua from Uncle Austin, Space Buddies, crayons & coloring book from yours truly. See told ya she made a haul! And the nice thing is, I could get away with, just getting her what we did, because we have such a fantastic family who will step up! Cool huh.

Alex ~ Today, you are 5, one whole hand old, but can remember when you were one second old and my midwife Lisa told the world who you were. A girl. An amazingly sweet, beautiful girl. Number 2 in our family. We didn't want to know what you were, and as hard as it was to follow through with that, it was worth it. Because its you we wanted. And it suits you, us not finding out. You are a constant surprise to us. From how smart you are, to how kind you can be, to how strong willed you act. Yup, you always surprise us. And you challenge us. You make us smile & laugh & cry & sometimes you make me wanna scream! But that's all apart of being a Mom, and I love it. Like I love you. I am so excited to see what this next year will bring. More challenges certainly. More joys, with out a question. A new school year, as a KINDERGARTNER! Holy cow. One thing I am certain of though, is I love you, and I am going to have fun with you. I love you... Mommy

Saturday, March 7, 2009

March Madness: Day 7

Today was the first game of the "spring" *coughwintercough* soccer season. Our girls did such a great job too. They were winning 1-0 until literally the very last minute of the game when our goalie decided she would rather kick the ball instead of pick it up and ended up kicking it into the goal. Oops. It was cute though. And, yes, it was flippin cold out. Brrr. Our next game is on Wednesday, and I can't wait to see how the girls do.

And, drum roll please.... I finally got a new cell phone! I have been so cheap, keeping my old phone for almost 4 years before getting a new one. The new phone is an LG Lotus. And both Trav & I got one. I got this really pretty purple one with etched flowers on it and Travs is a masculine flat black. So, I am pretty excited.

And tomorrow... is my daughter Alex's birthday. She will be 5, YES FIVE! Wow, where did the time go?

A gift from me to you

Hey. I am here today to pass on a little known place where you can get STELLAR deals on all things baby. Seriously. Everything this site lists is over 50% off, YES, 50% OFF regular prices. My little sis let me in on this site about 2 weeks ago, and I can tell you this is legit. And its all high end merchandise. Are you ready?

Click on this link to Mama Bargains to be blown away. :-) Thanks Elizabeth for sharing the wealth.

AND, this isn't even my post for the day. I will be bringing you a March Madness, Day 7 later, after the big game today. Enjoy!

Friday, March 6, 2009

March Madness: Day 6

Today I was given a Bloggy Award from my dear friend Tammy. She is an amazing person, friend, artist, momma... The list can go on & on. She awarded it to me for being creative & inspiring. Shucks, Tammy, you make me blush. Honestly, I want to give it right back to you! She has hopes that I will pass it on to friends who are creative and inspiring too, and I am going to.

I am giving one to one of my oldest friends Kristin and her wonderful talents as a Mommy of 2 very young girls, a great scrapbooker, wonderful writer, and newly domesticated sewing diva!

I'm giving another to my friend and Pastor Bill, because not only does he teach us (Trav & I), but he journals about his walk with the Lord, and it inspires me to lean on Him (the big guy in the sky) more.

I am giving one to Tracy. because she and her husband Tyson and son Kai, sold everything, and moved to Peru, YES! PERU! For 2 whole years. Their faith is amazing, and I am proud to call them friends. She is also, an awesome photographer.

Of course I am giving one to my sister Charity. She has become such a great Mommy to Olivia. Not to mention her being, one of the 2 best Aunties ever, and a great and loyal friend to have. I am lucky to call her sister. Her blog is private so sorry folks. No linkage here.

So, there you have it. My Bloggy award recipients. Bravo, dear friends, Bravo. And thanks again to Tammy for giving me one. I am honored.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

March Madness: Day 5!

Holy cow, we're famous! Ok, not quite, but my blog is listed on the Tillamook Cheese fan club site. Seriously. They have a fan club site. Click HERE, to see it. See there, on Post of the Day? Those are my girls. So funny. And how might you ask did I know about this? That's easy. If you scroll down to the bottom of my page, you will see a little tiny box with the words site meter on it. That tells me how many people click on here and where they click from. Its pretty cool actually. That's how I know that an average of 9, yes NINE, people click on here a day. Half of which don't even read anything before they click off! One word for that. Pathetic. Sometimes I think, what the heck is the point of even doing this thing? Then I remember that I am doing this for ME, not everyone else. But I do want people to read it anyways. So those of you who do, don't stop! :-)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

March Madness: Day 4!

Day 4. Huh. This is more work then I initially thought it was gonna be. Oh well.

This one is about a conversation between Maddy & Alex in the car today. Funny stuff.

Me: Hey girls, did you learn anything in school today? Maddy, you can go 1st.
Maddy: Oh yeah! We have been studying penguins. I learned about 2 new kinds. (She totally told me which kind too, but apparently I didn't listen all that well since I don't actually remember which. Good thing its not important in this story..)
Me: That's great Maddy! What about you Alex?
Alex: I learned about Tarantulas.
Me: Ooooh, what are tarantulas?
Alex: They are big humongous spiders with SEVEN feet.
Maddy: Nuh uh, Alex, they have EIGHT feet.
Alex: NO, Maddy, they have SEVEN feet. I know.
Maddy: NO Alex, they have EIGHT feet. I KNOW because I am in 1st grade and I studied that more then you did.
Alex: I don't care Maddy. Your not right. There is 7 feet on a tarantulas.
Alex: Fine Maddy, whatever. (Yes, she used the word "whatever". So cute.) And I think I am smarter then you. And you smell stinky so there.
Maddy: MOOOOMMMMY! Alex said I am stinky.

Thankfully we were pulling up to pick up Trav at this point so the conversation ended there. I just love listening to their conversations though. They just crack me up. Until tomorrow...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

March Madness: Day 3!

It began again today. The dreaded "S" word. Soccer. Spring Soccer. Don't get me wrong, I love Soccer. Fall soccer that is. It's because of the colors, the crispness of the fall air, the sun that actually shines and warms our faces. Spring soccer? Not. So. Much. Today for example, it was kinda sorta warm when I left my office at 4:15. Thought, gee practice won't be so bad today. 5:00 rolls around, and its basically a monsoon out there. Wet, cold, windy, cold, wet. Brrrr. You get the picture. Spring soccer comes with muddy fields, rain, oh the rain!, snow. Yes, SNOW. Like last year. I can prove it too. See this post HERE, for my thoughts on the "spring" weather we had last year during soccer season. I will say though, I love watching my daughter, run, laugh, make goals, be proud, be a teammate, have fun. That IS pretty cool stuff. Because, you know what? My kid is healthy. She is growing. And learning. And loving being part of something other then her "family". And that is a great thing to see. So, I guess spring soccer really isn't that bad after all. (This DOESN'T mean I won't complain if it snows during a game. Because, I can guarantee I will.) :-)

Monday, March 2, 2009

March Madness: Day 2!

Peyton's new favorite thing!
Yes, those are her sissy's panties. And yes, she is still wearing her Christmas jammies. So sue me.

Everytime I break out the clean laundry to fold & put away, Peyton steals her big sisters unders and puts them on her head! She thinks she is hot stuff too. We don't tell her otherwise. We don't want to give her a complex or anything. What? Lots of people wear their underwear where others can see them! So there.

More tomorrow... :-)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

A month full of goodies!

Hellooooo March! March is a FUN month in the Johnson household. We have 2 birthdays and one anniversary that we celebrate. Not to mention St Paddy's day. Kiss me, I'm Irish baby! Anywhoo, to celebrate this fantastic month, I am committing my self to posting something EVERYDAY of March. Yup, you guys will be getting (if I actually follow through with this hair brained scheme) 31 posts. Oh yeah. They might be just photo posts, or just a short story of something one of my darling little ladies did. Who knows. I'm just gonna see where it goes. Fly by the seat of my pants kinda month. So check back!

Oh yeah, and count this one as numero uno. See ya tomorrow!