Sunday, December 14, 2008

Gingerbread House Building

Welcome to the 1st annual Johnson family Gingerbread House extravaganza! I have never made a gingerbread house before... But it was a lot of fun and I think I did a decent job for being an amateur. We were joined by some great college kids, Pam Wilkins & Eric (cant remember his last name..) Here are the results!
This one was the one I made. I dubbed it, The Church. Creative eh?

This is Alex's creation! I loved watching her complete this project. She sat there for HOURS just working away. Not bad for a 4 year old. (thanks to Uncle Austin for the help with the building, she couldn't have done it with out you!)

Here is Gwamma Debbies. I was teasing her, telling her it looked like a gingerbread prison. But in the end we decided it was more like a barn. Like the one Jesus was born in. Much more Christmassy.

This one is Pam & Eric's. You could really tell that these two are both type A personalities.. It was cute to watch them build this together.

And Maddys... Gwampa Byron helped her. Ok, really Gwampa Byron made it. Maddy, she just put the Chocolate bar on the top. Then disappeared to watch Disney. Hmmm.

It was a fun activity to do as a family. Well, most of the family anyways. Trav & Peyton fell asleep on the couch.

Stay Tuned too! More Christmas Activities to come. We will have the Christmas programs, and I am hoping maybe a Zoo lights or some kind of light seeing event to post about. Ciao!

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