Thursday, December 4, 2008

The 100th Post. WOW

Oh my 100 posts? Seriously? I couldn't have had that much to say. Scratch that. I couldn't have had that many INTERESTING things to say. Better. Apparently I have though, because here we are. I kinda feel like its 100 day at school. You remember right? When that magical day arrives, you are supposed to bring in 100 of something. I think that was kindergarten. (The real reason I "remember" it, is because Maddy did it last year... Ssshhh..) I would post 100 pictures. But heck, I feel like I have already done that. Or I could post 100 things I like about blogging. Nah. I don't think I could do it. So I am just going to commemorate my 100th post by telling you I am gonna be an Auntie again. This time to a BOY! My little sis is expecting her little Jackson Charles in May. Finally. We are getting a baby boy in the family. Its gonna be fun!

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Yay! A boy in the family! That's awesome! Congrats!