Saturday, December 20, 2008

A fun day with sore fingers

As we are all aware, we are in the middle of a fun winter storm. I love just about everything about it. The beautiful snow covering the ground, the time I get to spend with my big kids and hub outside, the pictures I get to take, even the local news stations who have dubbed the storm, Arctic Blast 2008. (And no, I am not even being sarcastic, gasp!) Since most of the people who read my blog are here in the fabulous NW, so I really don't think I need to go into more detail then that. You all know that the schools were all cancelled for the whole week, and that we have gotten about 10 or so inches of the wonderful fluffy white stuff this week. Anyways.. Here are just a few pictures that I have taken this week. And I have to tell you, I refrained from posting a rather explicit picture that I took last night. Of a certain male appendage carved out of snow over by Linfield College. Both Trav & I said at the same time "so that's what a $100,000 education buys you eh? Niiice." It was pretty weird that we had the same thought at the same time. But come on kids! Don't go making P#%@s sculptures for all to see. I mean, REALLY. Luckily our kids weren't in the car. Whew, dodged that bullet. I can hear it now.... "Mommy, what IS that?"

Thats all for now. Have a fabulous time in the snow!

(oh and about the title... I'll share soon.. Promise)






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Mrs.Gator said...

Great pictures sis! I wanna see the "frank and beans" haha email me the picture.

Mrs.Gator said...

Hey... I think I finally got the sore fingers thing :)