Sunday, December 28, 2008

Anyone out there?

HELLO Hello hello.. (imagine an echo..) Anyone out there still? Sorry all for the lack of posts. I just haven't been in a blogging mood. I mean, I know there are like at least 5 of you out there who actually care about what my family & I have been up too, and I just haven't provided! Seriously though, Thanks to who ever actually reads this thing. Hopefully I will get out of my anti-blogging funk soon and have a fresh outlook on life to blog about. I think its the weather. I am SO glad the stupid snow is gone. And yes, this is from me, Stacey, she who loves snow. It USED to make me happy. Now? It just makes me snarl. And I need to tell you about the title to a prior post. You know, the sore fingers one. The very same one where I RAVED about the now dreaded snow. Stupid stupid me. Anyways. Sore fingers were from a quilt I spent about 50 hours on for my Mom for Christmas (not kidding). Hopefully I will download the pics to my pc soon to show you. OH, another reason I HATE the snow. And a big reason for the lack of posts. No Internet or Cable for an entire week. Darn that snow. And Ice. Shudder.


Mrs.Gator said...

I have been in a blogging funk before too... no worries!!! I do look forward to reading your blog though :)

The quilt you made is BEAUTIFUL!!!! The gifts your family gave at Christmas were incredible. Mike was really touched by the cribbage board. He bragged about it to his dad!

Tammy Williams said...

Wow-that quilt DID take a long time. I remember that you were working on it when I stopped by your house around Thanksgiving time. Must be beautiful one! Hope you guys are doing well and you had a wonderful Christmas! spite of that darn snow! Now you know why I moved outta Canada:)

Jodi said...

I haven't posted in forever, either! Glad you're doing well though, despite the snow! Thanfully I haven't had to deal with snow yet...I HATE it!