Sunday, October 5, 2008


This is what I went downstairs to in the morning. Oh my. What a perfect big sister!

Maddy before the big goal!

Alex and the, bigger then she is, umbrella. So cute!

My absolutely adorable niece Olivia. Or as the girls & I call her Libby Lou.. Actually Alex calls her Olibia Lou. Her name is actually Olivia Ann..

Me just chillin with the babes.

Yesterday was a very fun day..almost. We started out the day at a funeral for a great man who died tragically in an accident at work last Monday. Kevin Ivey was a strong and funny man, whom my husband looked up to. They worked together for a time, and Trav had known him since he was in high school. We are very sorry for your loss Sally.

Then it was off to the soccer fields where you saw in an earlier post that Maddy made her 1st goal of the season! I am still so proud of her.

After the game we went to MY parents house to get Peyton and Olivia who I got to baby sit last night for the very 1st time. How cool is that! She is a 3 1/2 month baby doll. Love her! Then we left there and went to watch the Ducks blow USC out of the water.. RIIIIGHT.. Trav sure thought that was going to happen. Me, being a little bit, lets say, wiser, in this case KNEW that there was NO WAY USC was going to let another Oregon team beat them this season. Hmmm. Who was right? ME of course! Sorry Ducks. Maybe next year.

After that we drove home where Mike and Charity, Mom and Dad, and Charlie came over for chocolate cake to celebrate Mikes 29th birthday. They went out to the Casino for dinner, and since Trav & I had other plans we couldn't make it, which is why we were able to baby sit Olivia. Whew. What a day though huh. We are staying home all day today. The girls have stuffy noses and we thought we would keep them home from Church to have a full day of rest before another busy weeks starts again tomorrow.


Mrs.Gator said...

I know this sounds weird but Olivia talks to us when she hasn't seen us for a bit and when we got home she yakked our ear off and I think that she was telling us what a good time she had with you because she smiled so much :). Thank you for taking her! You got some pretty darn cute pictures of her.

Oh and I also want to say thank you for making the cake for Mike. He told me on the way home how touched he was that you did that for him and how your girls were so sweet to him! You have a lot to be proud of with your little girls, you have raised them well so far! I hope to be able to raise Olivia as well.

Tammy Williams said...

We were SOOOO happy that the Beavers won against USC. That was so COOL! Jeremy is going to the game in Corvallis this coming weekend. He also has tickets to the civil war game. Should be good. PS. Love the picture of Maddy and Peyton!!!