Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Mental or Emotional?

Maddy to Alex: "Excuse Me Alex"

Ahh.. The joy of using our words. Loud words mind you, but words none the less. Not typical of Miss Alex. AT ALL. She is, lets say, a more, um, physical being. We are working on that, so no worries to you other mommies out there whose kids "play" with Alex. Really. Promise.

We have been having some Alex issues the last month or so. Since she has started school she has been sent to the principals office almost everyday. Crap. She's going to be one of THOSE kids. You know, the ones that each teacher in school know about. The ones I am sure they fight over NOT having in their classes. The ones who get there own "special helper".. Now, I am wondering if teachers really like to take the siblings of their "good" students when they come through. If so, well, they are in for a rude, and I mean rude awakening. Maddy is the model student. She shows up with a happy attitude, doesn't complain, doesn't yell at or hit the teacher or her "friends". Alex, well, she does all of those things.

The other day we had to have a conference with her teacher at St James. Now, I know my kid is smart. Too smart for her own good most of the time. But having her teacher tell me that, made me feel oddly proud. I got all puffed up and smirky looking. And Yes, I was at a conference to talk about her behavior. Weird I know. We have figured out that Alex is still 4 emotionally, but mentally she is quite a bit more advanced. So there is the conflict between the two things that is part of the reason she has been acting so disruptively. But still, I was proud. Why? Who doesn't want to know their kid is smart? Even if its the root of all evil in their kid.

Maybe I should re-evaluate something. Maybe Me.

Anyway.. Alex has school tomorrow, we have been talking to her and praising her for using words, and what not. Guess we'll see how it goes. Fingers crossed..

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