Monday, January 12, 2009

A few funnies..

My Alex, she is one FUNNY girl. The things that come out of her mouth. Priceless. For example.

When we were dropping her off at school this morning her teacher Mrs. B asked Alex if she had a good weekend. Alex, our LOUD Alex, YELLS. "I DIDN'T PEE!!". Mrs. B had no clue what to say to that so I had to explain she hasn't wet the bed for 6 days and is very very excited about it. Mrs B proceeds to ask me if Alex possibly has a hearing problem. I said no, she has a yelling one.

Yesterday when we were driving up to the hospital to see my Mom, we over heard Alex telling Maddy, "Hey Maddy, see those big poles with the lines on them? If you sit on it it will SHOCK your butt." Too true kid.

When we were at the hospital yesterday I was taking the big girls to the bathroom then to find Trav & Peyton. We were walking through a wing and a VERY old lady was in a bed being wheeled by. Alex says to me "Momma, why is she here?" I reply with "she probably here because she is sick and needs to get better." Alex says "Oh, is she gonna have a baby?" Me, "Nope, I really don't think so kid." Alex, "Hmm, do you think she is here to get dead?" Seriously? Is just about all I could think, LUCKILY the lady had been going one way and we had been going another so I am certain she didn't hear it. THANK goodness. I told Alex that wasn't appropriate. And I think she understood. I hope.

We were on our way home. Trav & I were talking and Alex yells, "HEY MOMMMA!" I said "hold on Alex, Daddy & I are talking I will get to you in a minute." Alex says, "I can't Mommy, its gonna PASS!" Which I thought was pretty smart!

Anyways.. Its nice to have a daughter who can make you laugh when you really don't want to. My girls are the best.


Jodi said...

Wow, she IS a smart girl! I can't even wait to hear all the things that will come out of Ali's mouth when she's that age!

Mrs.Gator said...

Thank you for the laugh! I really needed that tonight :)

Love ya sis!