Friday, May 29, 2009

Boyfriend anyone? Anyone?

Wanted: A fun, spunky, outgoing girl to date my pretty cool brotha man.

Anyone? Come on. He's a pretty great guy. Not to mention, if you are reading this blog, you probably already know me and hey, that would give you more of a chance to hang with me. Win Win.

(he will so kill me for this.)

Oh, and if this guy isn't your type, I just so happen to have another single bro in law! I swear, all you singles out there, this is so your lucky day. Yes, my friends. This guy is pretty great too.

(yup, he'll probably wanna kill me too.)


Brooke said...

Oh Stacey they are SO going to kill you!!! Though I will also comment they are both great guys and any girl would be lucky to have either one of them. Hey if you are getting dates for people, why am I not on there too? lol

Mrs.Gator said...

Love the new layout sis!!!