Sunday, June 22, 2008

That crazy baby

Peyton is officially on the move. She is now doing the "army" crawl. It is really pretty cute. I would have never thought that one of my girls would be crawling at 6 months. Maddy didn't crawl until 9 months, Alex at 8 months. She is wanting to pull her self up too.. Hopefully that will remain a goal of hers for a good month or so! I don't know if I could handle another milestone so quickly. Pey is also a crazy girl. She gets in her, what we have dubbed, "baby jail", and just goes wild! She rocks it back & forth, jumps, squeals, laughs & just has a good ol time in it. We both love the thing. Me because it can entertain (and contain) her for a good 15-30 minutes before she, 1. falls asleep, or 2. starts to fuss because she wants out. And her because she loves all of the activities on it.

OK, so I have to complain for a minute.. Does anyone know, I mean really know how much laundry 3 girls can produce? I mean seriously.. I did, 9, yes 9 loads of little girls clothing yesterday. In our huge front loader machine that can wash something like 15 towels at once. Does that tell me something? Yup. My girl are spoiled, and have way to many articles of clothing. The really pathetic thing is, they were not even out of clothing to wear. I still have not finished folding all of them. I have been thinking about taking a picture of the mountains of clothing I have sitting downstairs. I don't think I will though, just because I don't feel like I should document something like that. It's pretty embarrassing to me that my daughters (and I) have so much, and there are kids in the world who have nothing. I wish that there was somewhere other then the Goodwill I could take those clothes. Somewhere, where they give them to actual needy people. I know Goodwill sells them for "cheap", but they are still sold. Do you know what I mean? If anyone knows... Share the knowledge..

And guess what? No pictures this week. Weird huh.. Guess I just wasn't in the picture takin mood. :-( Ah, well.. Maybe this week.

1 comment:

Tracy said... times...I have enough with one little boy...I can't imagine 3 girls! I do have a suggestion. Here in town we have City Outreach. It is great because they give things to people in need for free. Our church teams up with them and volunteers man it one Saturday a month. Anyway...a great place and one I always recommend donating stuff to! It is a little less convienent because they are only open Tues, Thurs and Saturday from 10-12pm (I am told)...they are in the basement of the 1st Christian Church (across from Joe Dancer Park). Hope that helps:)