Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I am tired of the ickies!

Here we are, a week since our girls had the stomach flu, and now finally, we are on the last family member to get it. Travis.. So I was sick on Saturday, alone, with all 3 girls. What fun that was... I badly wanted some sprite to settle my tummy, but I couldn't exactly pack up the girls to drive to the store, to get the girls out and walk in the store to get some. I mean, HELLO, I was feeling terrible! So I just dealt. Trav, mmmm, not so much. He gets sick, and I have to run to the store to get him some Sprite & Chicken noodle soup. Sheesh. Such is the life of the wife & mommy. Gotta love it! Which I truly do. I am very blessed, to have the family I have. Thank you Lord for everything you made Travis to be. He is a hard working, gentle spirited man, who loves his family more then the world. So, I guess he deserves to be cared for when sick huh.. So there you have it. I just now made my self feel bad for the thoughts I was having. Hope everyone else is healthy!


Mrs.Gator said...

Awe come on sis! This is your blog if you wanna pout about having to go get your hubby sprite you can :) We all know he is a wonderful guy and that he would do anything for you and your family. If I were in McMinnville I would have brought you Sprite and soup on Saturday! I miss being home...

Love ya and glad you are feeling better.

Tammy Williams said...

I thought it was supposed to be Ginger Ale that cleared the stomach bug? The "ginger" being the key ingredient. Anyway, we all have our comfort medicines. Don't feel bad - I know what you are saying! Being a wife and mommy is a tough job but someone has to do it;)

Take care Johnson family!

Tracy said...

I totally understand about the sick mommy thing. I was telling tyson the other week that when I get sick I have to keep doing everything but when he gets sick the world stops and we all care for him. I ate my words the next day when I was so sick to my stomach I had to call tyson home from work to care for Kai...ha! He was super sweet to come home and take care of both of us and I of course felt terrible for all the bragging about how tough I was the night before:)