Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Phone Call...

So, I got one today.. The dreaded daycare phone call...

"Hello, Stacey?", "Yes, this is Stacey." "Hi, this is Diane. Maddy just threw up her entire lunch." "OH Yay, I will be there in a few.."

Words cannot express how much I dislike kid vomit. Baby vomit is one thing, grown up vomit is another, but kid vomit is its own seperate entity. I think the worst part about it is, they can't seem to determine when they actually feel like they are going to throw up and 99% of the time its on the carpet, or the couch, or in bed. It's like they can't remember WHY they are holding a big plastic bowl! And, did you know that children really don't chew their food? NOPE, they don't. For those of you who read my blog who only have babies, just you wait. You will be here one day. And when you are, my heart goes out.

Must run now, more vomit to deal with as both my big girls are voiding themselves of their lunches in 2 different places. Will post later, after the ickiness has left the building. Chao.. Stace

1 comment:

Tammy Williams said...

You poor girl! Is it a stomach bug or something. I hope they get better soon;)