Monday, May 5, 2008

Peyton is 5 months old!

Oh my, how can it be that almost a half year has gone by since Peyton's birth? I guess the old saying "Time flies when you're having fun" really is true! Lets see.. What is Peyton up to now... Well, she's rolling everywhere. She is just starting to get up on her knees, but when she's up on her knees, her face is in the carpet! So that's a negative on the crawling right now. But I imagine that will be coming in the next 2 months or so. She is the happiest baby, just so smiley all the time! She has found her feet too. They are almost always in her mouth if she is laying on the floor on her back. Which isn't often, because she prefers to be on her tummy. I have not started her on foods yet, but I will start introducing them to her on her 6 month birthday. She had her 1st taste of ice cream from our friend & pastor Bill the other day, and boy oh boy did she like it! She is being dedicated at church on Mothers day this coming weekend, with Bill doing the dedication. I am very happy that we get to do it on mothers day! What a blessing! I will post pics from that next week.

Otherwise, we are all doing great.. I am feeling just about normal again. Thank goodness! Mastitis really stunk. I missed almost an entire week of work. Maddy is almost done with kindergarten. I am going with her to the Enchanted Forest at the end of the month for her field trip there. We are both pretty excited. I have never been, so it will be new to me too! Alex is great.. I can tell she is trying really hard to be a good girl, but it's just really hard for her! Hopefully it will get easier to obey.. One of our new favorite sayings is, "you get what you get, and you don't throw a fit" Which seems to work, most of the time anyways..

Well, I am going to close with some pics of my fam.. Check back for updates! I am going to try to be better about posting. It's just my life is so hectic now that I am back to work.. Oh well, It is what it is..

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