Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Tomorrow I am going to have an Ick day. Yes, I said an Ick day. I get to get up in the morning and drop Peyton off so I can go to the dentist to have 3 fillings replaced. So fun.. THEN I get to go to my Naturalpathic Doc to have injections in my thyroid. Yup, needles in my neck. Oh goody. I guess if the injections make me feel better they will be worth it.. So here's to hopin they work.

Today was a fun day, I went to New to You consignement to sell my maternity clothes, half of which they deemed not good enough for resale. Which really annoyed me. Most of them are Gap, Old Navy, or Mimi Maternity.. Which are all nice clothes. Oh well. Then I went to the community center to sign Maddy up for Spring soccer. After that, I picked Madikins up from school and we all trooped to the grocery store. The girls were so good at the store not begging for anything. I was very proud of them. After that I went to Subway and bought lunch for the 3 of us who eat normal food, and we headed to the park for a cold cold cold picnic. The girls really didn't mind the cold once they could start playing on the playground. We were the only ones there.. Big shock. But it was nice to get some fresh air. I am really loving being home with my girls. I wish I could stay home with them always, but alas we have bills to pay. Uncle Sam's generous return won't last forever. (I say generous.. Which is a joke.. It was our money to begin with, but it was nice to get some back)

I hope I didn't sound to Negitive Nancy this post. I just wanted all of you who care to know what a fun day I am going to have tomorrow. Ciao


Mrs.Gator said...

ick is right!!!!

That would make me so mad about New to You I went there to get some maternity clothes and let me tell you what they had was CRAP and being on the receiving end of some of your clothes yours are MUCH MUCH nicer than ANYTHING they have there!!! Will anything else in your pile fit me? I can pay you for some if you think...I could use some more clothes ;).

You are much better at this blogging thing than i am.. I start one then i get tired or distracted and lose my train of thought so I put it away never to return... oops..

Anyhow, try to recover quickly from your ickyness tomorrow... I will be thinking about you!!!

Tammy Williams said...

It was a rough day for us yesterday too - and today we have the inspector at our house & then we have to look at houses tonight - rough days ahead! I have to admit though that nothing compares to injections into the neck. Hope it all goes well and you feel better soon!