Sunday, September 14, 2008

A new household hazard..for Peyton that is.

Hmmm. What are these boxy looking things that go up? I wonder..? Can I crawl up them? Sure I can! Lets see, put my right hand here, then my left knee goes here, and then my left hand needs to match up with my right hand, and my right knee with my left. Yup. Ok, I am up one of these funny things now. Time to do it again. And a few more times. Oh look! I am at a big space at the top! Maybe I should now turn around and see what I have done! Whoa!!!! Klunk klunk klunk klunk klunk... Oh. Guess that wasn't such a good idea to look behind me after all. I should probably cry now. AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Ok, Mommy is here. I really am alright. Just kinda scared a little. Wonder why she is kissing my head so much? She must think I am hurt. I will stop crying now so she knows I'm good. Whew! Ok so Momma put me down again. Off I go! Hmmm.. Wonder what that is...

Yes. If you couldn't get what I just wrote, Peyton took a short tumble down our stairs this morning. She really wasn't hurt. Promise. She is an active and curious little booger though! Always looking for a new thing to explore. :-)


Mrs.Gator said...

awe poor Peyton!!! Do you have a gate for the stairs? If not we got one on craigslist for $5!!!

Tammy Williams said...

Awe. Falling down the stairs is never fun. Our little Maya did it when we first moved in and got a bloody-nose. Declan has been climbing the stairs for a few weeks now but I walk behind him so he doesn't fall. It's all a learning experience. I still can't believe Peyton and Declan are old enough to be doing all of this stuff!