Friday, July 4, 2008

What a doll...

Isn't she just the cutest baby girl ever?! I sure think so.. I am having a really hard time with the fact that yet another month has gone by. Peyton is now 7 months old, and crawling EVERYWHERE. I had forgotten how much work a mobile baby is. I had also forgotten how much fun a mobile baby is. I just love watching her learn new things. She also says Dada, and I swear she says Hi as well. She also LOVES her big sisters. Last night Travis took the big girls up to Vancouver to buy some fireworks for tonight (the 4th of July) and Peyton totally missed her sissy's. She would look around, crawl to each corner of the downstairs trying to find them. When they finally got home at 10:30 last night, they went up stairs and Peyton woke up and litterally SQUEELED with joy when she saw them. Then she proceded to start to cry when they went into there room to get ready for bed. When Trav walked in to console her, she was up on her knees, trying with all her might to pull her self up to standing. All I could think was NO, NOT YET! I seriously don't think I could handle another baby milestone yet.. I guess I am going to have to drop her cribs mattress down now. I don't want my baby to fall head first out of her crib and get a concussion. No thank you.

Hope you all have a fantastic 4th of July!


Jodi said...

They grow so fast! I really feel like Ali shouldn't be more than six months! It just can NOT be possible that I'm about ready to have a one year old! :o(

Tammy Williams said...

Mobile kids are the greatest! Declan is moving around now too. Just seconds away from crawling. He can sit up in his crib and do a tee-pee with his hands and feet so I know what you mean about them possible falling out of the crib. We have started to put the side rail up while he is in there. We will have to get Peyton and Declan together REAL SOON!!