Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Encouragement please!

I had a bad day. Scratch that. Alex & I had a bad day. Wait. Scratch that too. Alex had a bad day at school, which stressed me out, which caused me to have a bad day. Better. So, we had 2 weeks of good behavior. 2 whole weeks. Today it stopped. She had to go to the principals office. This time she kicked the teachers drawers. (When she first told me what happened I thought she said she kicked the TEACHER. I didn't hear the drawers part. I actually started to cry. Whew. I was actually glad when I caught the drawers part. Is that bad?)

Fast forward. Tonight. We skip small group. Which almost never happens. We skip it to have the "come to Jesus" talk, kiddiefied. We felt like if we didn't talk to her tonight and give her her consequence tonight that it would be less effective. Not sure if this is true...

Consequence. No Girls Night Out for Alex. (quick note on that: Girls night out is a slumber party for the big girls who go to Diane's daycare. This is a BIG deal. Huge. In the 6 1/2 years I have been taking my kids to Diane's this has never happened. My girls have been awaiting this for a very loooong time.) Alex is very sad. Mommy is very very sad. I personally didn't want to take it away from her, but Trav did and I felt like we need to stand together on this and his argument in favor was much stronger then mine against. Dang.

Tomorrow? We'll see.


Anonymous said...

That sounds rough, Stace. Just keep telling yourself that she's got a strong spirit and that it will serve her well one day. All you can do is set a good example, teach her, and love her. I know you're already doing all of that! She'll get through this, it's just a phase. I know I'm going to need you to remind me of this in a couple years. :-) Hang in there.

Mrs.Gator said...

Stacey I am certain that you and Travis are doing the right thing for Alex. I am sorry you are sad but you are doing the right thing and don't forget it. We all support and love you!!!

Jodi said...

I'm sorry you two had such a rough day! I agree with charity, though, I think you're doing the right thing. Taking away something that means SOOO much to her is going to have more of an impact and she's (hopefully) more likely to have learned her lesson. Stick to your guns now can't go back on your word...she'd eat that up! Good luck! Cheer up! I'm praying for you!