Sunday, April 13, 2008


So my friend Leah Tagged me the other day. I have never been tagged before so I am going to do it! Yay!

10 Years Ago..

Wow, 10 years ago I was a jr in high school, swimming like a fish, working at the pool as a lifeguard & swimming instructor & who knows what else. I actually HATED my Jr year in highschool. It was, and still is the worst year of my life. I only had one good friend that year. Jaime. She was my best friend, and I would still consider her one of my best friends today. Thanks J! (oh, Sr. year was MUCH better. I met Trav & life was good again.)

5 Things on my To Do List Today..

1. Go to Church.. Check
2. Do my daughters laundry.. Small Check
3. Take a nap.. CHECK. Ah that was nice!
4. Get ready for Maddy's soccer game tomorrow. No Check yet. I will get to it later.
5. Make Dinner. No Check yet.

Snacks I enjoy..

Nachos (or chips and salsa)
Bryers Mint Choc Chip Ice cream milkshakes
Choc cake
I could honestly go on and on. I love snacking.

What would I do if I suddenly became a billionaire

I would quit my job to stay home with my 3 daughters. I would probably have my tubes untied and have a couple more kids too. I love my babies! Well, maybe I would adopt instead. I would give my house away, and build the home of my dreams. Actually I would probably build a few homes of my dreams. One in Mac, close to family, one in Hawaii, one in Anaheim right next door to Disneyland, and one somewhere else. Not sure where. I would pay off everyone in my immediate families mortgages, and buy a house for those in my immediate fam, who don't own a house.. I would take all of my friends on a cruise to the Caribiean. I would eventually go back to school to become a nurse. And I would buy a REALLY nice new Camera! And give some to my Church. Probably a whole lot more, but I don't want to think about it anymore. :-)

3 of my bad habbits

1. I bite my nails.. Gross I know. It's a nervous habit.
2. I like to sleep in on the weekends. I make Maddy get her & Alex's breakfast usually. Don't call CDS!
3. I listen to my IPOD while driving.. I don't know if that is illegal or not, but I doubt it smart.

5 places I have lived.

1. Salem
2. McMinnville
3. Sheridan
Sorry guys that's it..

5 jobs I have had.

1. Lifeguard & Swimming instructor
2. Title Clerk for a car dealership
3. Records girl
4. Underwriter 1 (this perhaps was the shortest job I have ever held.. I decided to go back to my old job for certain reasons, but it was MY decision!
5. Commercial Lines Rater.

5 Things people don't know about me.

1. I get frustrated very easily
2. I really don't like to talk on the phone.
3. I am a closet Dancer.. I LOVE TO DANCE! I just wish I was good at it. Which I am not. Hence the reason I am a closet dancer.
4. I would love to be a Midwife someday. What a happy job that would be! I know there are occasionally the tragedies, but you get to bring life into the world. How awesome is that!
5. I want to adopt a little boy. I don't care from where, but I know that I would love him just as much as I do my daughters.

So, that's that. I am going to "tag" the only people I know of who read my blog..
1. Charity
2. Tammy
3. Tracy

See ya all later! Stace

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