Sunday, April 4, 2010

Ahem. Testing...Testing.. Are you there?

Well hey. Its certainly been awhile. Sorry for the lack of blogging. Pesky LIFE just keeps happening all around me. Just kidding. About the pesky part. I love life. But mine is sure keeping me busy.

I'm not going to lie. I have thought long and hard (ok, not really) about deleting this blog, but then I thought, what hurt does it cause my family? None that I can think of, so I am going to give it another shot. Now, don't expect back dated blog posts because I am pretty sure that isn't going to happen. But I can go from here on out. I'd like to start by showing you a photo of my BIG girl Maddy. Yeah, she's totally 8 now. YES, EIGHT. She is half-way to legal driving age. I think I'm having heart palpitations.

Maddy is far and away the best oldest child one could ask for. She's smart, pretty, kind, compassionate, WONDERFUL, and best of all, mine. She can usually be found doing one of the following things: Reading, playing her DSi while listening to either Taylor Swift or Justin Beiber, (Yeah, my house has totally been Beiberized.), or begging her Dad or I to call her BFF Peyton on the phone. She recently finished Harry Potter at school and UNDERSTOOD what she was reading. This my friends, is my happy place. To have my girl love books and reading, well, lets just say it makes this Momma want to do a little jig. Books were my haven as a child and I am glad she has found that same passion. She can also be found terrorizing her sister Alex and cuddling on her baby sister Peyton. But lets just ignore the terrorizing part. OK?

That's all I have time for right now, but I promise to be back soon! I have to tell you about Alex and Peyton.


Anonymous said...

Glad you're back. She's a beauty.

Jodi said...

She's gorgeous! Just like all of your girls! I can't even imagine my oldest being EIGHT! Wow!